Alhamdulillah, I am very thankful and grateful for given the time, strength, ability and opportunity to plan this wonderful and exciting journey. Well, due to summer and long hours of bathing under the burning sun which the temperature is usually above 32⁰C, I got tanned and darker. Good news is, we are now physically and mentally prepared for weather in Malaysia! Lol.
A brief information about the trip, it’s a 5-6 day journey throughout Eastern Europe ( Vienna, Prague, Budapest and Bratislava). We spent only a day or two in each city. Yeah, sounds rushing but we got the whole city covered, we think =p. So, 1st stop, Vienna, Austria.
It is a small, but wonderful city. People are warm and friendly, willing to offer help, without us asking for one. Since we will always comparing them with the Russian’s attitude, Vienna and many other Europeans will always be on the winning team. Haha. The most popular spot to be are Schönbrunn Palace, Wien Ferris Wheel, and the centre where u can find numerous souvenir shops lining up.
On our way to the palace, we accidently made a new friend. Funny how we met, all thanks to the cap that I’m wearing, for having writings in Russian alphabets. This girl approached me at first, Vi gavarite po ruski? ( Do u speak Russian?) Da, chut-chut. No ne ochen harasyo. ( Yes, a bit. But no so good ). Well, that’s the initial few lines that lead to many other conversation between us. Her name is Tomoko, from Osaka Japan. She’s studying linguistic in Moscow. And because she not comfortable speaking in English, we converse mainly in Russian, the other language that we both know. Instead of walking in a group of 3 ( Fatt, Ks n Me), we were now 4.
At the palace, we've met 2 couples from Holland. Most probably they were in their 50’s but, they certainly are still fit n such a loving, fun, romantic pairs. They were very nice to greet us and asking we are we from n etc. They know Malaysia, thanks to our famous Petronas Twin tower (Go Mahathir! Ure such a genius =] ). And they were shocked hearing that we are studying in Russia, and already surviving there for 3years. Guess, Europeans have their own opinions about the Russians and I don’t think I need to elaborate on this. Lol.
Wien Ferris Wheel is famous for being the oldest in the world. We bought tickets and went for a ride. Being inside there, u can enjoy panoramic view of the city. Owh, have u ever watch a film called ‘Before Sunrise’? Starring Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy. It is shoot around Vienna. I love that movie. When I walked around Vienna, I’m like, yeah I’ve seen those in the movie. So exciting!
Down here are some of the pictures taken. So many picture, it was hard picking which one to upload. Hahaha =p

To be continued......